Thursday, September 23, 2010

Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) And Home Care Make South Jersey Seniors Feel Safe

People are usually most comfortable in her own house, from what is familiar surrounding. But for many seniors there are many fears of being alone, own in the apartment. One way many South Jersey seniors and their caregivers, the choice is a personal emergency system (PERS) and home care combined. A PERS device enables thousands of senior citizens maintain a higher degree of independence at home. It offers peace for them and for their families. With amedical alert system can maintain the older people the confidence to stay alone. It can eliminate the fear of falling that they and not in a position to call for help. With a push of a button help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition to this, adding a home care component is to increase the security felt by seniors and their families. Many choose to have caregivers provide for a portion of the day to personally help them with in-home meals and maintain andCamaraderie. For the time that a supervisor of the office, helps PERS, to reduce the fears that accompany them, alone.

Most PERS are comprised of three components: a small battery-operated radio station with the help button, a telephone line connected to the console, and monitor the emergency call center calls. There are two types of emergency centers and are based provider based manufacturers. The provider based response centers are usually operated by alocal social service agency or hospital in the user environment. The manufacturer, based response systems usually have a national center.

The costs can vary for a rescue system. A PERS can usually be bought, rented or leased. Medicaid, Medicare and most private insurance does not pay for the purchase of equipment. The purchase price for a PERS typically range from $ 200 - $ 1500. Monthly rent a ROOM can range from $ 15 - $ 50 and are available through nationalproduces local distributors, local hospitals and social institutions.

The Federal Trade Commission makes the following suggestions for consumers shopping for a pers:

Review, compare multiple systems, cost and features
Ask if the same system can be used elsewhere, if you move
Test the system for easy operation
Ask the company how often to test the system
Read the contract before signing

For more information, contactone of the recognized national provider listed Personal Emergency Response System:

Lifeline 1-800-380-3111

Rescue Alert 1-800-688-9576

Life Station 1-800-884-8888

For more information about home care options, call one of the local New Jersey Office on Aging numbers listed below:

Burlington County Office on Aging 609-265-5313

Camden County Office on Aging 856-858-3220

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