Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How Jesus of Nazareth'd Respond on Public Healthcare, to Far Right Hypocrites - Part 1 Easter

Thisvideo will be protected as an instance of *** FAIR USE *** Title 17 USC § 107 Details: As Jesus of Nazareth'd respond to public health care, Far Right Pharisees, hypocrites - Part 1 Easter "Jesus of Nazareth" television mini-series - scenes from "rebuked the Pharisees." (1977) Part Three, actors, Robert Powell plays Jesus Christ of Nazareth in Judea 2000 years ago. In this scene, he confronts the scribes and Pharisees as hypocrites, after Jesus heals a blind old man, who desperatelyis the rabbi to find him cured. In accordance with Title 17 USC § 107, any copyrighted work herein under fair use without profit or payment to those who have an interest in the review of the information contained herein for personal use, marketed non-profit research and educational purposes only expressed archived. As part of the historic Film Video genre that postures itself as Fair-Use in accordance with Title 17 USC § 107 "Jesus of Nazareth" television mini-series and the scenes of the"Reproaches the Pharisees." Are explicitly by the owner, ITC Entertainment and co-creator, writer and director, Franco Zeffirelli and producer Lew Grade and Vincenzo Labella, as of 1977. be a key component of the historical video clips, that there are often highly informative historical time, of which the source content and source media itself, while some other types of video remix often, but not always, celebrate the source media. For that reason Historical video...

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