Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Company Profiles - Unilever

Unilever is a corporation, which has historically focused on two product lines derived oils and fats such as butter and soap. Now these are important elements are still visible in the product Foods and personal care.

Today, Unilever's mission is "to improve life more livable, and this in a sustainable way to do. (1) has selected the values of the company, the business of a company the size of Unilever, integrity, positive results in continuous engagement (for alonger-term goal), efforts to strengthen cooperation with others. The values are fairly neutral.

Unilever has a corporate change program, where the two main categories - Foods and Home and Personal Care - begun so long as the divided society, subject to (internal) fusion.

Read on a corporate film (1) we can:
FROM: Fairly independent business groups and countries, often as a loose federation (3 of everything!)
TRAIL: An integrated European company,optimized and synergy at European level and national level, through One Unilever

The internal reorganization should save costs, by focusing on IT systems, a common IT platform (SAP). Outsourcing is part of this program, if the goal is to become more flexible and at a lower cost level.

Italy is an example. Three locations in Italy were reduced to one, creating a new culture, reducing the infrastructure and support costs while optimizingCanal areas' to where the growth is, "are some of the benefits.

The three regions - Europe, America and Asia, Africa - "the primary responsibility for building relationships with customers, managing supply chain networks and the provision of brands and innovations effectively an outstanding performance focuses on the market. The regions are the responsible delivery of in-year financial results, including growth, profit and cash flow, and in the development of market share. "(2)

In addition to supporting the division into three regions and a business organization of five functional teams: Finance, HR, IT, communications and law. These are "responsible for providing value-added business partnering, strategic support and competitive services to the whole thing. They are both around the same basic principles of business partners, shared services and expertise teams organized." (2) The first three functions are those that are outsourced.

Despitechange this program, the parties seem to demand more. This was announced as the new CEO of Unilever, recently was. Mr. Paul Polman takes to bring the position of CEO Patrick Cescau should, runs after 35 years in the service of Unilever.
Polman is currently responsible for the Americas region for the rival company Nestle. This announcement gave the stock a boost of 5%.

Some of the main risk areas which are defined in the annual report (2)are:
The increasingly competitive environment, the further consolidation in the market and the continued growth of discounters. Suggested action: ... We will continue to invest in selected brands and rapidly growing market areas,
Change initiatives. The risks of ... ongoing restructuring of the company, which is intended to simplify our operations and our scope of effective efficiency
People. Unilever's performance targets is required to have the right caliber of people at all levels.
Corporate Reputation.
Potential economic instability. Approximately 44% of Unilever's turnover comes from developing and emerging countries.
Price and supply of raw materials and commodities contracts

Unilever has always been a complex undertaking that is still visible in the Anglo-Dutch structure. The Dutch origin begins in the late 19 Century, "Jurgens and Van den Bergh - have two family businesses Butter Dealers - thriving trade in the United Kingdom. In the early 1870s,they are in a new product from beef and milk - margarine - which made them realize that might be interested in mass-produced as an inexpensive substitute for butter. "

Later, on the north of England in the mid-1880s, a successful wholesale family grocery run by William Lever starts with the production of a new type of household soap. The product contains copra or pine nuts oil, which help him to foam more easily than traditional soaps made from animal fats. Unusually for the time, Levergives the soap a brand - Sunlight - and sells it wrapped in special packaging. "(3)

The company has been around these two product categories that a similar source: oil and chemical aligned.

A recent study - Unilever between rich and poor - examines how the Anglo-Dutch multinational,-survived the war. "The decision by Unilever, the conglomerate to decentralize its operations, the company had benefited during the war. A great deal of autonomy for the national companies,so that these subsidiaries to adapt to the different conditions in different countries, Unilever increases the chances of survival. The antiquated organizational structure was, in fact, are perfectly suited to the war situation. (4)

(1) - website
(2) - Annual Report
(3) - drhalimahali.wordpress.com/2008/04/24/dutch-unilever-jews-fitna-hdc-all-mixed-up /
(4) - http://www.eur.nl/english/pressroom/releases/2006/march/wubs/


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