Saturday, October 16, 2010

Ghosts Of Rwanda (5/12)

A history of the genocide in Rwanda in which Hutu extremists the Interahamwe systematically slaughtered the Tutsi-racial population and non-racist Hutu's. Told through documents and interviews with all major figure involved it documents the incredible brutality but also the kindness and heroism of those involved. A gruesome, grotesque and deeply powerful documentary that tells the horrors of the events and the response to the mass murder of every major Western government. Toremoved to worry or not to draw the support of them. On a personal note I have the time to do so, as no documentary has meant more to me than this and as Darfur rages taken his message has never been so important. For information on Darfur, I can recommend and urge you to read "The Death and Rape of Darfur" in the British Journal of Criminology

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