Today's buzzword, more than eco-friendly or "green," seems to be sustainability. Keeping our planet alive and maintaining our energy resources are vitally important when we think of our future. But what about our own personal sustainability? What about keeping ourselves alive and maintaining our own energy resources?
Do we spend more time dividing the recyclables every week than we do cooking healthy meals? Are we more invested in our green planet than we are in our flesh and blood bodies? Obviously, embracing ways to take care of Mother Earth must be a part of our lives, but it is for naught if we do not treat Father Time (in this case, our own longevity) with the same respect. Every day above ground that we LIVE STRONG and CHOOSE WISELY, we win the lottery: Another precious day, and another and another.
How do we do this? Energy, and the transfer of energy, is not a theory. It is a tangible fact. In order to maintain the healthy give and take of energy within ourselves, we must be vigilant about our personal sustainability. We MUST not allow ourselves to take in more energy than we can use each day; quite simply, this overwhelms the "natural landscape" that is our vital organs. In this case, use it or lose it seems to be oxymoronic, since it becomes use it or gain it (in pounds), but the thing we lose is our health. We overtax our body with useless foods and stored pounds that exhaust us and leave us depleted and susceptible to deadly illness.
Remember, the absolute enemies of an otherwise sustainable life, are ego and stress. It is our attachment to things and situations that becomes emotional and physical stress. This is not a new concept, although many "new" teachers carry this message. Adopting and building ways to manage our worries and our fears is tantamount as we move through life. Life is here, and it can be unbearably difficult. We will lose jobs and friends, we will ache for success and unattained love, and we will sometimes struggle with situations and questions that will seem to take our very breath away. Finding a way to breathe and survive, if not strive, through these challenges is probably the most important stepping stone in our path of sustaining our lives. It is those among us who turn these challenges into opportunities, in fact, who become our greatest leaders.
Right this moment, as you read this article, breathe in the beauty that is life around you. Today is an opportunity to choose YOU first. Begin your efforts in your own body and your own home - inspire your family and then even your friends. Begin to make changes in your entire life that embrace personal sustainability, and your body will support you, heart and soul, for many years to come.
Finally, imagine the good you can do if you use those extra years to sustain our planet and her people - a win-win for every body.
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